Sunday, June 13, 2021

Wicked Compact - Contest Winner #3 - Amiee

Amiee was a cute nice girl next door, growing up she wasn't the prettiest or the most popular but she had a good amount of friends. Since Kindergarten she lived next store to Josh, they have been best friends all the way through high school and it wasn't until they were both Juniors in high school when they started dating. Junior year was also a year she had started to develop and mature, her body curved out a bit and she was getting more attention from guys around school, not that she realized it of course, she was kind of oblivious to it. 

Junior year was also another change for her, she was looking at colleges and to the next part of her life journey. She knew colleges would want her to have extracurricular activities as well, there wasn't much she could do in her school, many of the girl sports had been cancelled due to poor participation, the only team really left active was the Cheerleading team. So doing what she could do, she joined them, she was on the JV team and that was good enough for her. 

The summer leading up to her Senior year was one of the best for her, she had the sweetest boyfriend and she had already gotten to go to a few of the colleges with her parents and she was very excited about it all. The start of her Senior year though would start to cause her issues she could never imagine. The start of the year had the clubs and teams that would be active during the fall of the year to gather to go over the goals for the season.

Walking into the cheerleading team's meeting, she sat in the back, the captain of the Varsity team walked in, her name is Monica and she is a huge bitch and kind of a slut. Amiee was happy that she wasn't on the Varsity team so she didn't have to deal with her bullshit.

Monica walked into the front of the room, looking as hot and slutty as always, "Good morning everyone, hope everyone had an amazing summer, so as you know we have a few opening in the Varsity squad this year, and" she paused and looked at Amiee, "Amiee come up here and get your new uniform."

"What why me?"

"Because you are a senior, all seniors are on the Varsity team."

"No, it's ok I don't mind being on the JV team."

"Nonsense, you are a senior you are on the Varsity team now, so get a uniform or get out."

Amiee stood up and grabbed the new uniform not wanting to make waves, she also wanted to make sure she had at least the fall season on a team so the college applications would see it, during the winter season she could always step down from the team by then she would have the applications all set.

Over the next few weeks, workouts and team training seemed to take up every afternoon she had, even early morning Saturday practices seemed to fill her time. She was seeing less and less of her boyfriend which was upsetting to her because she felt he was her rock and without him she was feeling like things were becoming overwhelming in her mind.

At the end of the Saturday practice, Monica stood up "Great job everyone, now get into the cars and let's head to my place and chill by the pool."

Amiee stood up "thanks a lot but I am gonna head home, I'll see you on Monday."

Monica looked at her "Oh no come on, we train hard together, we play hard together, we are meeting the football team at my place and we can have a lot of fun."

"Yeah well umm maybe I'll meet you there, I was going have a date with my boyfriend but if I can bring him."

Monica sucked in through her teeth, the hissing sound loud, "oh well it's more of a private event, you, of course, are invited but your boyfriend doesn't really measure up to our standards."

"Well than, that kind of makes my mind up, I'll see you Monday," and she turned and headed home. Turning her back on Monica was something no one ever seemed to do and something that will now have the full attention of Monica in her business. 

Monday before practice Monica stepped into the locker room to find Amiee already there changing, "you know it was a bit rude what you did on Saturday."

"Well, that is a bit tough huh?"

Monica comes over and sits down "look you're right, I shouldn't have dismissed you and your boyfriend like that, but let's be honest you are on the Varsity team now we have standards and he really doesn't meet those."

"So what, we have been friends for years and we started dating almost a year ago, and honestly we are great together."

"I know I'm sorry I..I just want the best for the team, I want us to seem like a shining light for the school and I forgot sometimes my drive overshadows the smaller details of the girls on the team."

"Well your apology is accepted."

"Oh you have a little smudge, here, look here" Monica said pulling out a small silver compact that looks very old. 

Amiee locked eyes on the compact's little mirror and felt something tugged at the very fiber of her being like something was tugging at her soul. Monica leaned over and whispered, "your boyfriend is cute but you will start to feel he is lacking, when that gets too much for you come see me and we can talk." 

Monica closed the compact and Amiee looked at her "what smudge?"

"Don't worry about it, it's fine, probably a shadow."

"Ok well we have practice and then I am meeting Josh."

"Yeah of course, sorry again."

"Don't mention it" Amiee smiles as she heads out to the field for warming up and practice, as she walks outside there are a few football players talking to a couple of the girls on the team, she eyes them up noticing how hunky they are for really the first time.

Practice was good and soon she was heading back home to meet up with Josh. Josh was waiting for her, he kissed her "give me a second babe." He smiled and waited on her front steps as she ran inside to shower and came back down, "let's go." They headed to their little favorite spot to eat, it was this small little mom and pop place that was out of the way, not many people went there, most teens went to the local diner. 

"You wanna go to the diner today?" She asked Josh.

"Why, you hate the diner."

"I know I do, it's greasy and stuff, but maybe we can hang out with people, or at least be seen, I think some of the girls from the squad will be there, they can see how nice of a guy you really are."

"You never wanted their approval."

She shrugged, "no I know it's just Monica has issues with guys I think and I want her to get to know you so you can go to the events she throws for the squad."

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yeah come on, it will be fine."

Amiee and Josh headed to the diner, they walked in it was mostly empty, they took a seat in the back, it wasn't another 10 minutes or so before girls from the team started to file in, with their hunky football or basketball player boyfriends. Josh and her were overlooked mostly until walking in with, the tall, thick, black state leading linebracker, was Monica. It was known that Monica was dating Jerome, she looked around and spied Amiee and walked over, "Mind if we join you?" she said before just sitting next to Josh while Jerome slid in next to Amiee. Monica and him must have just fucked because Amiee got a huge whiff of his smell and it turned her on.

"I'm Jerome, you must be Amiee, Monica hasn't stopped talking about you" he said holding out his hand. Amiee reached up and giggled "oh umm yeah nice to meet you."

Josh sat back, squeezed into the corner of the booth by Monica and anytime he tried to add anything to the conversation, Monica interrupted him or Jerome's deep voice or laugh would echo around and cause attention to be drawn to him. What he really didn't like was that Amiee seemed to be completely engrossed by him. It was almost 3 hours before Monica decided it was time to leave, Jerome smiled and excused himself and stood up, Amiee getting a flash of the bulge hiding in his pants before Monica wrapped her arms around him and started to lead him out, barely saying good bye.

"Well that went well I think," Amiee said to Josh who looked annoyed.

"Yeah if you call that well."

"What do you mean?" she asked eating some fries.

"I barely said anything and anytime I tried either Monica or her boyfriend.."

"Jerome" Amiee blurted.

"Yeah, whatever, him, they didn't let me say more than 10 words."

"God Josh why are you acting like this?"

"Like what?"

"Like some jealous boyfriend."

"I'm not jealous it's just you never seemed interested in her bullshit until today."

"Look she is looking out for the team and wants to get to know you so let's just call it that ok."

"Yeah fine."

"Let's just go home on, I am getting a huge headache."

Walking home Amiee was walking in front of Josh the whole time, not wanting to talk to him, she couldn't understand why he was acting like such a little bitch. She headed to her house without even saying goodnight to him and got to her room and laid on her bed thinking of Jerome, his big cock slamming into Monica, her bent over taking him doggy style moaning out and she was becoming wet thinking of stuff like that.

She was sitting back on her bed, her pussy was wet and she was fingering herself, not something she normally did, as she is doing it, Monica texts her, "Hey it was nice meeting you and Josh."

She laughed Josh was wrong she did know him, "Yeah it was nice to meet you guys too."

"Saturday party at my house look Jerome has a cousin he thought you might want to meet if that's cool, he is from out of state so he won't know anyone and I was hoping you can hang with him. Bring Josh too if you want."

She started to lose her aroused state as Josh was mentioned, "no it's ok one Saturday without me won't kill him besides he was kind of an asshole after you guys left."

"Ok, well that sucks a lot, I'll see you tomorrow practice and thanks again for doing this, oh can I have him text you so you two can at least be introduced before Saturday."

She thought about it, it might be a bad idea but she texted Monica "yeah sure."

The next day Monica was waiting for Amiee in the locker room, "I gave him the number, he might text you tonight, oh your makeup, here." She handed Amiee the compact, Amiee opened it and felt that pull again, she was transfixed by the mirror not noticing nice makeup appearing on her face giving her a more sexy look.

"Thanks" she said closing it and handing it back to Monica, "you are a good friend," the feeling of something missing inside her not even occuring to her today.

"Yeah no big deal."

Practice went well and she headed home, she showered and saw her boyfriend in his room, playing video games probably, she should go over and apologize after being kind of bitchy last night, but as she is about to go, a text comes over and it's Jerome's cousin.

"Hi, my name is Marcus my cousin told me you were gonna be my little bit of eye candy on Saturday."

She looked at the message, "eye candy" she says to herself, she looks at her fingers wanting to correct him that they were just gonna be hanging out and he shouldn't just treat her like that, but instead she texts, "maybe depends on some things."

Her phone dings and there was no reply from him, at least not in words all she saw was him standing and his cock hanging out, it was huge and she couldn't look away from it. "Wow!" she said "you are quite forward."

"I know what I want, and I want you."

"Well I have a boyfriend, so you can't have me."

"Sure we shall see, see you Saturday."

Over the next few days things seem to go ok with Amiee, she went to Josh's and made up with him, she practically jumped his bones that first day, that picture had gotten her so horny and she tried not to think of it or of Marcus but it was almost impossible. School seemed already, and practices were better not that Monica seemed to be backing off from bugging her as much. She was waiting for a message from Marcus but it never came, though she was unable to stop thinking about him, even worse when Jerome would show up at the practices and Monica would be all over him, making Amiee think about her doing the same thing with Marcus.

Amiee tried to go through the week like normal but each second, every minute, as each hour clicked by getting closer to Saturday, Marcus was becoming more in her thoughts than was Josh. She had to figure this out, she would go on Saturday and find out how much of an asshole Marcus was and it would make things go back to normal. Until then what would the harm be in her fingering herself yet again to the picture of his huge cock, it's not like she hasn't had to do it at least 3 times a day since getting the picture now.

Saturday came, she had told Josh she had plans this afternoon with the squad that they would be training most of the day, he was getting less attention from her for the last week, so he figured he would just play video games anyway. She put an one piece suit in her bag and headed to practice. Every girl at practice seemed distracted today, so after about 30 mins, Monica said fuck it and cancelled it and the girls all headed for Monica's huge house.

Getting to the house, the girls all started to change, when Amiee started to put on the one piece suit Monica walked over and pulled it off her tossing her a bikini which felt too small for her but she wore it. They all headed outside and soon the guys started to show up, all the girls seemed to be drawn to a different guy, leaving Amiee alone until she felt a large set of hands rub her shoulders she looked up and smiled seeing Marcus and there was an almost instant connection to him.

It wasn't long before Amiee started to see the party that Monica held as what it was for, it was almost an orgy if people were sharing but everywhere she looked as she talked to Marcus girls were starting to undress or touch or suck or even fuck their boyfriends. She was finding herself distracted by the other girls that she didn't feel Marcus starting to cup her breasts and kiss her neck until she moaned and realized it was too late. She looked up at him to kiss him as he stood over her, she thought of Josh one last time before locking lips and falling completely in love with the huge black man.

A few hours later Amiee was inside riding his cock, moaning and on her third or fourth orgasm, Marcus told her to take pictures and send them to her ex, she did of course, not wanting to stop her pleasure. Josh was heartbroken and after trying to call her she just blocked him, she didn't care about him anymore not since finding out what a real man was like. 

Later on, she was kneeling by the couch, semi-naked, cum leaking out of her pussy, licking Marcus' dick a little as Monica came over and smiled, "nice of you to finally join the squad."

She smiled and giggled "thank you for opening my eyes to the best thing ever."

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